Roman Orona

Roman is Apache (Chiricahua, Lipan and Jicarilla), Pueblo (Taos and Isleta) and Yaqui from the Southwestern United States. His goal is to teach balance in all aspects of life: world peace, equality of men and women, environmental and cultural preservation, racial equality and the abandonment of all forms of prejudice.

Roman produced music that blends his Native American roots with contemporary house music, working with DJ Maji and Seraj. He also has collaborated with an early educational children’s curriculum company named Music, Movement, Magination. Having recently signed on with Canyon Records, his album CIRCLING SPIRITS has been released and is getting great reviews. Roman is also a Native American Music Award winner for Best Male Vocalist. Most recently Roman released his latest album titled Soul Awakenings under his label iamHUMAN Media Records. This is his first flute and drumming album.
Native American Music Award Winner: BEST MALE VOCALIST

This project was developed to promote the unity and equality of all humans. This project will work with all humans no matter age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, economic or social status, in fact the more diverse the better. The purpose of the #iamHUMANâ„ is to take the audience through a brief but most memorable account as a unique and one of a kind individual, ackowleding our foundational interconnectedness that, WE ARE ALL HUMAN!


JULY-SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter
Keeping You Updated
On Saturday September 17, 2016, the 16th Annual Native American Music Award's (Native American equivalent to the GRAMMY's) was held at the Seneca Alegany Resort and Casino in New York. On this day, 1 of the 5 finalist's in each of the 27 musical categories was to be announced as the winner. I am truly humbled to announce, that I am the 2016 Native American Music Award winner for the Best Male Vocalist. That's correct, WE did it!! I want to thank you for your votes, your great words and especially your continued support. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!
You can see the entire list of winners at Please continue to share this newsletter and invite your friends, family, collegues, etc. to visit my website, sign up for updates and follow me on social media.
“We all must make a choice between justice and injustice."
This project was developed to promote the unity and equality of all humans. This project will work with all humans no matter age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, economic or social status, in fact the more diverse the better.
The purpose of the #iamHUMANâ„ project is to take the audience through a brief but most memorable account of yourself as a unique and one of a kind individual, acknowledging our foundational interconnectedness that WE ARE ALL HUMAN!
I am looking for more individuals to be part of this project. If you are interested in being part of the change and would like to let the world know your story or would like to contribute funds to #iamHUMAN, please contact me at and we can discuss this further. Thank you!
I am currently in discussion with a production company, to co-headline a tour of the Pacific Northwest in early 2017. This tour is currently proposed to include Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Numerous legalities need to be finalized, but if booked an audience will see many elements of my stage production PROPHECY.
PROPHECY features various native dances, uplifting vocals, thunderous drumming, flutes music and original Native American stories. This captivating program will have the audience soaring through the sight and sounds. The program will convey the very foundation of “balance in life” with messages of unity, peace and equality.
PROPHECY is ready to be toured and is currently seeking additional venues. To book PROPHECY or other performances visit my website at or email me at
Circling Spirits
This album presents a collection of Apache songs that express his people’s sacred values. With drums, dancers’ bells, whistles and vocals sung from the heart, Roman’s music acknowledges the spirits of the ancestors who sacrificed their lives, families and lands, so that their tribal communities could endure. Driven by a vision of respect for all humanity, these songs from the Apache tradition are meant to touch the human soul in all of us.
"Dancing Spirits" features a rare paring of Apache singing and the world-renowned flute artistry of R. Carlos Nakai. Nakai's Native American flute melodies seamlessly weave through the pulsing beat of Apache drum and vocals by Roman.
The song "Sacred Cave Song" features Roman joining in singing this classic San Carlos Apache song with the late Phillip Cassadore through the medium of recording technology.
Get your copy or get one as a gift today.